Saturday, January 30, 2016

Joe's First Post

Hey, what's going on? My names Joe and this is my first ever blog post. This post is my general thoughts about literature. But before we get to the literature talk, let’s get some background information about myself. My hometown is West Milford and I graduated from West Milford high school. I'm a generally laid back kind of guy when it comes to anything. My favorite sport is hockey and my favorite team is the New York Rangers. Anyway, my take on literature is very broad. I feel that literature is anything that is written or spoken that creates an image to a reader. In literature there does not have to have a theme or a main focus, literature to me is just something that creates an image and appeals to an audience. I am not a reader by heart. Reading is one of my least favorite things to do. But when I do read, I enjoy reading web articles, magazines, and anything that involves action. That’s a little information about myself and my view on literature.  

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